I love Instagram. I love scrolling through this app and seeing all these amazing photos and see what goes on in other's lives. And for sure I also love uploading pictures and share my journey with the world of the gram.

So in the past days I tried to decide between all these amazing people for my favourite travel blogger (it wasn't easy tho :D).

The first one is @haylsa. It wasn't long time ago since I've found her and her amazing photos! But I love her and her destinations are stunning!

I follow @chloe_bh for so long now and I love her colourful feed and enjoy all these breathtaking views she captured for us!

Wow, @pilotmadeleine 's Instagram is goals goals goals. She's always visiting gorgeous hotels and if you want to count the breakfast goals pictures on her page: it literally takes hours! 

I always wonder how @taramilktea is able to take such stunning and special photos... She's quite creative! 

Isn't @ohhcouture adorable? And I also enjoy reading her blog where she's swarming about all the loveable places she has visited.

Can we please take a minute to appreciate the editing skills of @debiflue? Holy...

Last but not least: Ok officially, @xeniaoverdose is a fashion blogger. But she travels so much that she is kind of a travel blogger too ;) And I adore to watch her storys because she's just so sympathetic. So anyways, I just cannot leave her unmentioned.

Well, maybe you heard about one of these girls the first time? Follow them, because they all deserve it.

Good night, afternoon or whatever.

xoxo, Annika Izabella


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